Tuesday 22 November 2016

Me Myself and I First Day of Shooting

Friday November the 18th

I shot the first scene of my Me Myself and I on last Friday. My crew consisted me, Daniel Pryce and Armani Clarke who was acting his only scene in Me Myself and I, I used a tracking dolly for this scene. It was difficult for me and my crew to move the equipment  because of the unpleasant weather. Filming took 2 hours though sound was not optional so on Monday we simply recorded the lines and dubbed them in later.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Me Myself and I Location Scouting

November 15th 

Today with a member of my crew in Hartlepool we found a location for one of my scenes. 

The scene is only 30 seconds long but it is important.

Framing the shot with the trees made it feel enclosed around the characters and the fine line one of them walks. The footage is test footage, 

The shot involves two characters walking down the path like in the footage above using a tracking dolly.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Me Myself and I Pre Production

Me Myself and I's is a 3 minute film project.

I based my Me Myself and I on my own habits if a little exaggerated for drama i.e. my addictive personality and need to collect all of something when I have only part of it. My first script was 3 pages long enough for 3 minutes but I included far too much dialogue which made it go over the 3 minute limit. I also found myself struggling for a satisfactory conclusion and thus left it ambiguous enough for the viewer to decide how it ended. Also I felt I could do more to make the dialogue less stale so I have begun a second draft. This draft is basically the same but not as much time is spent in the office I situated it in last time.