Friday 31 March 2017


Jaws 1975 Steven Speilberg
Peeping Tom 1960 Michael Moore
Pulp Fiction 1994 Quentin Tarantino
The Big Parade 1925 King Vidor
Trainspotting 1996 Danny Boyle
Childs Play 1993 Don Mancini


Imitable behavior, Sex, Violence, Nudity, Threat, Language, Drug and Discrimination determine what age a film is rated.

British Board of Film Classification

The British Board of Film Classification gives age ratings to films in Britain since 1912 I researched the organisation for my report. Britain has the following age ratings UM PG, 12/12A, 15 and 18. The organisation can and has banned films.

The American version is titled the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Japanese is titled Eiga rinri linkai (Eirin).
Cleveland College of Art and Design Libary research

I looked at the following books Japanese Film, Film and Video Censorship in Modern Britain, THE HIDDEN CINEMA, Movies of the Thirties, History of the American Cinema GRAND DESIGN, Censored, Flesh and Blood and the Censorship Debate.

Film and Video Censorship in Modern Britain was the most helpful providing examples of imitable such as the Bulger and Capper murders in 1993, Information on the Hays code such as what films it affected and film banning.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Mind Movie
My idea is a gangster movie about this duo who both think they know best. They both break the fourth wall.
It opens on them eating a meal together like in reservoirs dogs acting like old friends and appearing like two good normal guys till they start discussing how they spend their days collecting protection money and the bad business of hurting people more than they have to.

Argument stops and one of them turns and talks 
directly to the audience like Frank Underwood   from House of Cards.

It plays out like the dinner scene in the Godfather both try to intimidate the other and disagree with everything the other says.

They get up and leave for their next job conversing casually to down play how they are vicious criminals.

Then it cuts to them in the bathroom washing blood of their hands. They argue over whether what happened was necessary.

10 Week Plan

1) 24/10/16 - Create both your story ideas both your makeable and unmake able ideas.
2) 31/10/16 3 - minute script, mind movie, storyboard.
3) 07/11/16 10 - minute script Begin work on second script.
4) 14/11/16 - Focus on second script make it 3 minutes.
5) 21/11/16 - Make second script 10 minutes.
6) 28/11/16 - Finish the first draft for both ideas.
7) 05/12/16 - Begin draft 2 3-minute script.
8) 02/01/17 - Ten-minute script for draft 2.
9) 09/01/17 - Finish both final drafts.

10) 16/01/17 - present both drafts to the group.