Friday 9 December 2016

Camera and Sound Op

For both camera and sound I knew I needed to be a team player and follow what both Dan and Lydia wanted for their Me Myself and I and not cloud their vision.Still however I wanted to do a good job so I made sure to hold the sound in the air when I did not have to so I was always aware of the pole and never let it slip into shot.

With the camera I practiced with my own camera at home to keep my hands steady and careful and my timing right. Martin Scorsese typically has excellent and intriguing camera work so I studied him in case I ever got a chase to do try something like his.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Avid Media Composer

Avid was difficult at first though it sticks with you after you start as the process is very engrossing. The first step is to open Avid then start a new project select where you want it to save and begin. Then file link media select avid on the drop down list and all your footage appears in a bin. After this trans-code the footage, you will know it which footage is trans-coded by the mark underneath the footage. Then take the footage that has not been trans-coded and put it in a new bin.

After open each piece of footage and edit it before dragging it on the timeline. Make sure it is under the time limit and and a title and credits. Make sure to add fades especially at the end.

Avid was new for me as I mostly used premiere before this, it was quite efficient once I understood it and may in fact be faster than premiere which crashes.
Directorial inspiration and Analysis

My main inspirations in directing are Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock and Clint Eastwood. I am also a fan of Guillmero del torro, Ridley Scott and Brian De Palma. For my Me Myself and I I was planning to have a dark ending like many of Brian De Palma film's but during the writing I felt the story would work better with a lighter ending with hope though not an instant fix.

A director's role is to take the script and visualize the movie they control how the movie will be done and can make changes to the script. They also have a role in choosing the cast. Often a director can get too obsessed with their vision and become difficult to work or the opposite be too friendly and the crew won't respect them.
Lydia Me Myself and I

We shot Lydia's Me Myself and I on the 23rd of November off site.

Lydia got permission from a friend to film in a room in her house where she does tattoo's. We only did one shoot for Lydia's it consisted of filming her live getting tattoos. All together she got 4 tattoo's that day. The crew consisted of myself, Daniel and Lydia and a friend of Lydia's named Rachel who did the tattoo's.

I was camera op on the shoot for the first half then I traded with Daniel and did sound work for the second half we did this because we were only filming in this location once so we decided to experience both roles on the site. The room was small so we had a limited number of places for the camera and nowhere for lights but we were given very good views of the tattoo process and followed it like a documentary.

Daniel Price Shoot

For Daniel's Me Myself and I we shot on the 17th of November and 7th of December.
Both times in the Film Studio the first time with a crew of 4 consisting of me, Daniel, Lydia and Chloe the second time a crew of 2 at separate points first Daniel and Lydia then Daniel and myself.

Daniels was the first Me Myself and I to be shot in our group though we started mine soon after, we spent most of the first half of the day simply moving furniture and setting up equipment. Shooting was wrapped in just over 2 hours though several shots required several takes due to long lines.My role was sound op on this shoot and I had to return the room to its original order once we were done.

His second shoot was much further on due to his attempts to get permission to film at Cineworld and Middlesbrough Stadium falling through due to either no response or denial so he had to rethink quite a bit. He originally only needed wanted me to take photo's for evidence but we had to re shoot several scenes that day due to the lights not accessible at first. For this shoot I was camera op and advised him if there was an easier alternative than what he had planned.

Monday 5 December 2016


This was my final shooting day I only had 2 scenes left and had made plans last Thursday so my group knew when I wanted them. There were no actors needed in these scenes just me so planning was easier. I shot in the student accommodations Crown Halls Apartments though I had a difficult time getting permission at first I was told to ask Joey McGurk, then Dan Tierney before discovering I should simply ask the students themselves for permission. I got permission but things were severely complicated by both members of my crew being late after I got the equipment out eventually Frazer who was in another group helped me and we both carried the equipment to the Crown Halls and set up I had planned to start shooting by 11 but it was 11:40 by the time Daniel Price showed he got stage coach to get to the shoot because he had been further away from the train station than usual, unfortunately Lydia never turned up as she had car problems that required her fathers help. She could not make it in time for shooting but thankfully Frazer was happy to help. Although a few people walked on set they were completely understanding and kept quiet during shooting. We did run into problems with the footage as the TV had been the focus of many of the shots we did not Frazer's reflection was visible in one and in another the lights were reflected, This greatly increased the difficulty of the shoot but I was able to get some usable footage so the shoot payed off in the end

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Me Myself and I First Day of Shooting

Friday November the 18th

I shot the first scene of my Me Myself and I on last Friday. My crew consisted me, Daniel Pryce and Armani Clarke who was acting his only scene in Me Myself and I, I used a tracking dolly for this scene. It was difficult for me and my crew to move the equipment  because of the unpleasant weather. Filming took 2 hours though sound was not optional so on Monday we simply recorded the lines and dubbed them in later.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Me Myself and I Location Scouting

November 15th 

Today with a member of my crew in Hartlepool we found a location for one of my scenes. 

The scene is only 30 seconds long but it is important.

Framing the shot with the trees made it feel enclosed around the characters and the fine line one of them walks. The footage is test footage, 

The shot involves two characters walking down the path like in the footage above using a tracking dolly.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Me Myself and I Pre Production

Me Myself and I's is a 3 minute film project.

I based my Me Myself and I on my own habits if a little exaggerated for drama i.e. my addictive personality and need to collect all of something when I have only part of it. My first script was 3 pages long enough for 3 minutes but I included far too much dialogue which made it go over the 3 minute limit. I also found myself struggling for a satisfactory conclusion and thus left it ambiguous enough for the viewer to decide how it ended. Also I felt I could do more to make the dialogue less stale so I have begun a second draft. This draft is basically the same but not as much time is spent in the office I situated it in last time.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


I am Daniel O'Brien I am a student at CCAD Hartlepool Creative Film and Moving Image Production. I need to put everything I learn on this blog